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The Juggle is Real

We touch base with Saben designer Roanne Jacobson to see how she juggles work and her boys over the school holidays. 

To be fair, you have just flown in from a whirl wind design trip – so it only seems fair you should take the break with them!?

A break would be nice, BUT my head is so full of ideas, techniques, inspiration from the trip I need to get it all out and in-action before I can relax. We have started pulling together next summer… and once the obsession starts it is hard to stall.

Okay, so what’s your low down on the school holidays and staying on top of work…

Grandparents!! We are so fortunate to have grandies that live close and love to help out. PLUS another one in Sydney who will often fly in over the holidays which makes it a special treat too. Other options… museum, art gallery, holiday programs, Jack learnt to make beef cannelloni the other day (now we are on to something good if they can be entertained and the dinner is cooked!) AND Playdate swaps, earn your days without the kids by having friends kids over en masse.

You have two boys and a DOG, how do you wear them out?

The idea there was they would wear each other out, instead they all just wear me out! Jack, my eldest LOVES basketball, the two go skate boarding and they love the trampoline parks.

We bought some balloons the other day and the boys filled them with water and threw them at each other on the trampoline, old school fun!

Fast five in surviving the hols:

1 – Grandparents or a good nanny, someone who will keep them off the devices.

2 – Trampoline park, short but effective energy release

3 – Basketball, we put up a hoop and it was the best thing we ever did

4 – Skate park/bike track

5 –  A scootering adventure….. to the dairy or the $2 shop