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Mother's Day | At home with Jess Blair

Australian born, and (currently) New Zealand based naturopath and nutritionist Jess Blair is also doting mum to her energetic boys Taika, 3 years, and Harlem, 9 years. Jess is the kind you can easily become fast-friends with, easy-going and lovely as ever!

While a huge advocate for your digestive tract being the source of wellness, you can still catch up over too much caffeine and scoff your Orphans Kitchen cheese roll ( IYKYK) free of judgement (phew) because asides from the fact she is a darling, she’s also a realist and her food philosophies aren’t intimidating; Jess is all about small sustainable changes for big and long term results. You can read more in her book (if you haven’t already) Wellness by Blair. We know you’ll love it as much as we do.

It’s a privilege to feature Jess in this years Mother’s Day series and chat about her home, her boys and the learnings from motherhood in lock-down.

 At home with Jess Blair for the Saben Mothers Day Portrait Project captured by Tash Stokes of Black Robin Photography

Jess Blair for Saben Mothers Day portrait project captured by Black Robin Photography

Tell us about your home, why this one is special: 

So we moved to New Zealand in 2018 for my husbands work, so this is coming into our third year here in Auckland. We loved the area and the community we were in, so typical me being me, loves a million things on her plate… decided why not add renovations to the mix!

How are the renos going:

The timing hasn't been great, the landscaping was due to start the week of lockdown so we had quite a messy yard as you can imagine! I am really mostly looking forward to having a yard for the kids to play in, growing up in Queensland I LOVE being outdoors in the yard with the children so that is the main aim of the renovations!

What motherhood means to you

I am a proud mother of two little spirited boys. Motherhood has taught me so many things including, patience, resilience and taught me I need to live to my purpose, which I strive to do in helping them and others every day.  Motherhood is this superhuman gift of love and that's what it means to me just this gift of love in a little person. 

How lockdown has evolved your outlook, either in general or specific to motherhood

I have loved spending the time with the boys, and I have equally struggled some days to study and do my work but overall, it has been great. They will remember this time with great memories of mum and dad being home. It has taught me again patience and resilience and we have been so creative in our learnings and also my teachings. 

Something you cherish about your children and your own mother:

I love when my boys say something in Swedish (my mum is Swedish) or in a little way that my mum would. My mum during lockdown when I would call her with my worries continued to remind me that we missed school for a whole year growing up to travel and move to Sweden and those travels and lessons and memories are irreplaceable.

Jess Blair and her sons Taika and Harlem for the Saben Mothers Day Portrait Project

Jess Blair for Saben Mothers Day captured by Black Robin Photography

Jess Blair wears Saben Matlida handbag in black paired with the gold contrast strap

Jess Blair for Saben Mother's Day Campaign captured by Black Robin Photography

Jess Blair for Saben Mothers Day Project captured by Tash Stokes

Saben Style: Jess wears Saben staple design, Matilda. A highly coveted classic, the oversized blueprint of Tilly wallet, Matilda is designed as wallet-come-crossbody. Complete with interior card-slots and zip locked drop pocket plus dual compartments, large enough to stash an ipad.  Jess pairs hers with the black and gold contrast strap for a little sports-luxe vibe.

More from Jess:

Follow jess @jessblair_

Visit her website: for more on health and wellbeing. Better yet, if you’ve been struggling and can’t work out what’s up – book in a virtual consult. Jess is wealth of knowledge and can help you with a tailor made, holistic plan for you to approach your journey toward a more healthful and fulfilling life.