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Inspiration for Winter 15 - The Country Club

We are happy to announce the Winter 2015 range is coming soon. As you may recall last season was all about The Sabenette Scouts and you guys absolutely loved the inclusive vibe that brought us all together. Well last season’s Sabenette Scout collection was such a hit we wanted to carry that over to this season but with an updated flair. So we are happy to introduce The Sabenette Country Club Winter 2015 collection. If last season was young, fun and free, this season is The Scouts sophisticated, chic and refined older sister. It’s a collection filled with the existing vibes but with traditional foundations, we hope you will love it as much as we do. The Sabenette Country Club was chosen as this season’s setting as we designed each style with a character in mind. Although these bags are sophisticated in style they are naughty in nature. The handbags are personified, sipping on Pimms, playing in the hay, making shrude remarks at the gardener and prepping their horse for polo. The Country Club woman know what they want and they aren’t afraid to get it. We worked with our favourite local graphic designer, Kim founder of Knuckle Bones Design Co. to create typography the resonate each styles persona.... charlotte   Dash Ivy Regan