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Saben Lady Loving Session - We present... Kelly Thompson

We are totally diggin' Kiwi-born, Melbourne based Kelly Thompson and her beautiful work! She's a super babe + superb style... A talented illustrator, photographer and all-round artist! We have a lot of 'lady love' for this woman!! Check out the her Style Resume + Swoon Session below: website

Style Resume

faces My fave footwear: Heels – white Celine heels My fail-safe piece: Leather skirts for the win What SOS items I always carry with me:Deodorant and concealer Can’t live without my: Pencil sharpeners What you don't know about Kelly: After establishing herself as a photographer and Illustrator Kelly also decided to train up as a MAC makeup artist. She is allergic to coffee and is an awesome hula hooper!! (a previous hula hooping competition winner.) When she was a toddler she would watch Days Of Our Lives with her Mum while practicing hula hooping… and blowing bubbles with bubblegum. Very important life skills haha. Listening to: Silence is preferred when drawing but other than that Rodriguez and other old music or Kanye.




1. Riley Black

2. Astra Holographic

3. Antoinette lilac/pink/white

4. Gold Dust Evie

5. Poet Weave

Swoon session

Crushing: Anything Balmain Reading: The Great Gatsby – trying to finish before seeing the movie Eating: Christian (husband) just recently opened a restaurant – The Town Mouse! Eating anything there! Listening to: Silence is a must when drawing but other than that Rodriguez and other old classic music Describe your style… Colourful, feminine, sometimes preppy and sometimes glam. Girly, womanly IMG_3304-horz Check out Kelly looking smokin' in our BFF Cobalt Blue! Doesn't she make it look amazing... For more on Kelly visit her website here: Love the Sabenettes xx